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Writer's pictureAngled IO

Boosting Sales for International Etsy Stores: A Review of EndyposLabs

What's up, guys? So today we're reviewing Etsy stores, specifically international Etsy stores. We'll look at what they’re doing well, how they can improve, and what strategies they can use to grow their sales overall.

Starting off, we’re looking at EndyposLabs, a newer store with only 11 sales but some really good reviews so far. Hello, Greg! Not sure where you’re based, but based on the name, it might be one of the Western countries. EndyposLabs has done a good job using the header; it’s a great place to include URLs and other contact information for your website—just a helpful tip!

Currently, the store has only four items listed. Generally, it’s a good idea to aim for around 20 listings since that gives you more opportunities for search traffic. Now, let’s see the reviews—looks like they’re downloading 3D files, which is cool!

The product photos are decent, though a little tough to tell what some items are for. I recommend using a clearer home photo that shows the item’s purpose. For example, it looks like these items are designed to keep your Bluetooth keyboard on your MacBook or similar laptops—got it!

For the descriptions, I suggest adding a bit more detail to enhance SEO. The title is good, but you can optimize it further. Also, I noticed you have a stock limit on your digital downloads—it's best to remove that to avoid missing out on sales as people buy your items.

The standing mount for the WiseCam is a great addition. It’s targeted toward a specific audience, so people searching for that will likely find it. Plus, you’re getting good numbers in terms of items in carts and views, which is promising for a new store!

Your thumbnails are pretty solid, and while your descriptions could use a bit more detail, you’re generally on the right track. To increase sales, try to add more items. Getting up to about 20 listings can really help to drive more traffic to your store.

Since you're selling digital downloads, you could also consider offering physical prints. Not everyone has access to a 3D printer, so if you're open to it, Slant 3D has a plugin that allows you to connect your STL files to product listings. When someone purchases, Slant 3D will print and ship the item directly to the customer. This is a great way to expand your reach into the U.S. market without worrying about international shipping.

This approach would effectively double your listings—from four to eight—without much additional effort. As soon as you create a new STL, you can simply upload it and have a physical version available too.

Congratulations on your progress so far with EndyposLabs! I believe you’re on the right path, especially with your WiseCam stand. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to seeing your store grow!

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